

A Good Book on Preaching and Several Links for Your Reading Pleasure

You’ve probably read different kinds of preaching books, but most of them likely [...]

Recommend Books: Geography and Archaeology

Understanding the physical context of the people of the Bible often opens up [...]

Recommended Books: Doctrine

“Give heed to the doctrine” is an important charge given to preachers, and [...]

Recommended Books: Church History

Every Bible student needs to be a student of history. Bible events happened [...]

Recommended Books: Introduction to the Bible

Books are a preacher’s tools. Good books are treasures. Reference books tend to [...]

The Preacher’s Library

The Preacher and His Work, Wendell Winkler (c. 1987) As a preacher, [...]

Recommended Books: Sermons

Wendell Winkler was a preacher’s preacher and spent countless hours studying the sermons [...]