Here are some recently posted resources that might bless your preaching ministry:

Do your sermon illustrations help or hurt? Five major pitfalls to avoid by Michael Kruger (

We’ve all experienced how powerful a good, well-placed illustration can be, and probably also how flat they can fall. I think you’ll find this article to be helpful.

A secret way to kick-start your theological library by Tim Challies (

Most of us have limited budgets to use when expanding our libraries, so I was excited to see this article from Challies—it has some free sources I didn’t know were available.

When the preacher is tired, watch out by Joe McKeever (

I’m guessing you experience this pretty much every week.

5 steps for effectively preaching with notes by Peter Horne (

I’ve already linked several articles on preaching without notes, but here’s another good one.

An Al Mohler prophecy comes true by David Murray (

We all knew that same-sex marriage would not work well, but it’s interesting to see research that confirms that. It’s also scary to think about where all this will lead.

What’s helping you in your ministry?

Do you have resources that you find useful in your work? Would you share them with me so I can share them here? If so, email me – I’d be grateful.