Everybody gets discouraged—it’s just part of living in a fallen world. I’d like to think that we preachers are immune to it, that our relationship with Christ is so vibrant that we never sink to the valleys.

That’s not true, though, so we shouldn’t pretend that it is. Putting on an “I’m-always-on-an-emotional-and-spiritual-high” face is at best unhealthy and at worst devastating.

So I’d like to point you to a resource from Eddie Parrish, who preaches in Rosenberg, Texas. In 2009, he hit the bottom emotionally, finding himself unable to continue preaching. It came to a head after the invitation song on a Sunday night when he offered his resignation on the spot.

You’ll want to read his story here: http://barnabasnet.com/my-story/

I read it not long after he posted it, and I quickly emailed him to thank him for sharing it with the world. It took a level of openness and vulnerability that many people don’t have.

While at Eddie’s site, you should check out some of his other recent posts. He’s calling his blog The Barnabas Network, and he wants to encourage you in your preaching.

Here are a few other links on preachers and discouragement: