No book recommendations today, but here are a few good blog posts and/or articles that you might find useful:

Two men arrested on charges for murdering a preacher’s wife

Incredibly sad story about a preacher’s wife and unborn child who were murdered, but the preacher’s statement is remarkable. If you click the link, make sure to read all the way to the end. It has something significant to say to us about forgiveness.

File under: forgiveness

“An Evangelical Superstar Scholar: Alister McGrath” by Roger Olson

McGrath is excellent in several areas, but especially in apologetics. He’s written a lot in response to the New Atheists (Dawkins, Hitchens, etc.).

File under: apologetics, atheism

“The Evangelical Theological Society after Obergefell” by Denny Burk

I’m trying to stay up-to-speed on what’s going on in the broader evangelical world, and this article discusses recent developments regarding same-sex marriage perspectives within the Evangelical Theological Society. We probably don’t like it, but what the ETS does eventually has trickle-down effects on the attitudes in our communities and even in our congregations.

File under: homosexuality

“Baptism and Becoming a Christian in the New Testament” by Robert H. Stein

Stein is a professor of New Testament interpretation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. This seminary has a lot of influence within Southern Baptist Churches, and I think you might find some of Stein’s conclusions interesting.

File under: baptism, immersion, salvation, Baptist Church